Yamaha HPH-150 Headphones


Optimally tuned for listening to electronic musical instruments, HPH-150 headphones offer excellent tonal projection, with a crisp, clear sound that you won't tire of even after prolonged use, and superb sound separation ensuring that each and every sonic detail is reproduced accurately.

With large 40-mm diameter drivers in a rear-vented format, HPH-150 earphones feature an open-air design that ensures superb tonal projection and comfortable listening even over extended periods. Note: Open-air headphones can easily leak sound due to their design. Please ensure that you show consideration for others by keeping listening volume at an appropriate level while riding on public transportation or when in a public place.

Featuring small, soft, light-weight velour ear pads, a swivel mechanism that allows the driver unit to turn 90 degrees to fit the angle of your ears, and a headband that allows smooth adjustment of its length, HPH150 earphones are designed to provide a comfortable, stress-free listening experience, hour after hour.

The single 2-meter cable configuration of the HPH-150 ensures stress free performance and allows easy connection to your musical instrument. The HPH-150 comes with a detachable standard 6.3 mm standard stereo cable for easy connection to a range of instruments, and features durable gold-plated plugs on all connectors.

Collections: Headphones, Pro Audio

Category: Headphones, Yamaha

Type: Headphones